Meer Vermeer | As some bonusmaterial next to the tv show ‘De Nieuwe Vermeer’, Helder TV created an online show together with 4 creatives: Gerson Main, Gershwin Bonevacia, Janny van der Heijden and me, presented by Jorgen Tjon a Fong. First we visited Mauritshuis and Rijksmuseum to analyze the paintings of Johannes Vermeer together with curators. Inspired by that we had to create our own interpretation of one (or more) work of Johannes Vermeer.


I chose ‘Diana en haar Nimfen’, I loved the colors and the layers, curator Lieve told us there was a painter once painted clouds in one corner, later they erased it and brought it back to the original image. Those hidden layers I found so interesting, so I created that hidden ‘cloudlayer’ in my kimono. ‘Diana en haar Nimfen’ is kind of a beauty ritual, a group of girls taking care of each other, that’s why I decide to create a kimono/neglige.


To see the whole shows, check this link > Gershwin & Hedy


Janny & Gerson